Yongzhen Chen

Yongzhen is a first-generation medical student at Saint Louis University School of Medicine. She received her undergraduate degree in Pharmaceutical Sciences from the University of Michigan, Class of 2020. Yongzhen did her freshman and sophomore years at Sun Yat-sen University in Guangzhou, China. Then she transferred to the University of Michigan in 2017. During her time in college, Yongzhen was a photographer for the Frankel Center for Judaic Studies and many student organizations. She wad also a physics tutor for the Science Learning Center. She conducted pharmacogenetics research and completed an honors thesis on genetic variants that are associated with neuropathy sensitivity. She spent most of her time serving as a volunteer team lead at the Hospital Elder Life Program at Michigan Medicine, a volunteer program that prevents delirium, functional decline, and falls among hospitalized older persons. Talk to Yongzhen if you have questions about being a transfer student from a foreign university, finding a summer internship, or applying for summer research fellowship programs as an international student!