Ashiana Jivraj

Ashiana is a Canadian student at Harvard School of Dental Medicine (HSDM). She completed her BA at Barnard College of Columbia University in Biology in 2015. While at Barnard, she served as the Representative to the Board of Trustees, a member of the Senior Fund, a tutor, a teacher’s assistant, and a Resident Assistant. While her extra-curricular activities kept her busy, she spent time working in a Computational Biology Lab coding a program to analyze patterns in plant genomes. She didn’t decide on dentistry until her second year of undergraduate, and toyed with the idea of becoming a lawyer, an author, an actress… but it wasn’t until she began to see the broken system surrounding dental care that she became passionate about creating change. Upon coming to Harvard, Ashiana pursued a dual degree at both HSDM and Harvard Business School.Throughout her time at dental school, she has focused her research on Value-Based Healthcare from both the cost and quality sides, as well as the economics of dentistry. She serves as the treasurer for Harvard’s American Student Dental Association, and a coordinator for the ACTION clinic which treats low-income patients. Her summer internships included working in Mid-Market Mergers and Acquisitions at the Bank of Montreal, as well as at AgeCare Seniors Care. Her limited free time is spent exploring the various running routes in Boston in order to eat her way through the entire city.